One of the most awaited internship, Kaashiv Infotech Fellowship/Internship Program, is back! An exciting internship opportunity for students of all the branches. Hurry!

At Kaashiv Info Tech, we believe in relationships, in being strategic partners rather than solution providers. special focus to processes and quality. Our client repertoire is therefore amongst the Who's Who of the industry, returning to us for quality solutions each time and every time. We achieve real business results that allow you to transform, and not just maintain your operations. Our IT services, business solutions and outsourcing bring you a level of certainty that no other competitor can match. You will experience your requirements being met on time, within budget and with high quality, greater efficiency and responsiveness to your business. Our key focus on the ability to shift investment to strategic initiatives rather than tactical functions.
We expertise in the following Verticals, Banking, Manufacturing, Finance, Automation, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Hotels, Industrial Applications, PSU / Government, Restaurants / Eateries, Showrooms / Retail Outlets, Telecom, Data communications, Consumer electronics & Multimedia.


MBA and All Engineering Branches and Management degree students are eligible to apply. (Students Pursuing Engineering degree courses (ECE/EEE/CSE/IT/ICE) at the end of third year, Freshers who have completed engineering degree courses and awaiting employement can also undergo this training, Students pursuing diploma courses(EEE/ECE/CSE)at the end of third Year freshers who have completed diploma courses and awaiting employement can also undergo this training) .


All of you shall be trained by KaaShiv Infotech MD on live who got award Microsoft Most Valubale Person (MVP) award and experienced more than 10 years in IT field DotNet expert, Testing expert.

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